Foster and Kinship Care Education

Visit Us If You…

  • Want to complete required continuing education foster care training hours
  • Take care or want to take care of a relative’s child (relative caregiver)
  • Are or want to become a foster parent
  • Are or want to take care of a non-minor dependent
  • Want to gain new parenting skills to enjoy a happier and healthier home

Having a child in foster care means more than just providing them with food and shelter. It also means providing love and guidance in a nurturing and respectful environment that supports healthy development. This can be a challenge. Our training classes are intended to teach skills and offer information that will help you provide the healthy environment that the child needs.

Our Classes

Our classes focus on a variety of developmental stages, ranging from Infant Stimulation to Understanding Your Teens. We also discuss topics around trauma, positive parenting, and children’s rights. All of our classes are free of charge. Licensed resource parents will be given certificates of completion that can be used toward continuing education requirements. To sign up, visit the class listings below and follow the links to register.

In 2022, we provided parent education classes to over 400 parents in Alameda County.


Our Program

Chabot College FKCE is a collaborative effort with the State of California, the California Community College Chancellor’s Office, and Alameda County. Our trainers consist of experts in child development, seasoned social workers, and other foster parents. We also collaborate with local organizations and agencies that focus on children in care. All trainers are highly engaging with insight based on research, policy, and experience.

我们的使命 is to provide foster parent training that prepares applicant and approved resource caregivers in Alameda County to provide trauma-informed parenting that nurtures healthy mental, physical, and emotional development of children in their care and is guided by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Written Directives.

Our Goals are to provide:

  • Participants with parenting tools to provide a safe and healthy environment for the children in their care.
  • High quality training that helps caregivers understand the trauma that children have 有经验的.
  • Appropriate training hours to meet the needs of the Alameda County resource family 人口.

Helpful Links

Classes and Workshops for Foster Parents




建筑 & 房间 建筑 400

电话 510.519.8004


小时 小时

  • Mon to Fri: 8am - 5pm




Donate to the Dr. Lois Jones-Rasberry Memorial Foster Youth Scholarship